/r/1BestPornIMO: Porn - Just porn, man. - March 19, 2023 - 08:31
/r/darosarchive: darosarchive - March 12, 2023 - 14:23
/r/nmsaves: Naughty Mangoes Saves - A place for content that fits u/naughtymangoes taste - March 12, 2023 - 13:50
/r/CumPumping: CumPumping - Ball constricting, taint pulsing, ass clenching; cum pumping. - March 12, 2023 - 03:47
/r/TotallyStraight: I just like the porn - A subreddit for straight guys who love gay porn. NO SELFIES OR SELF-MADE PORN ALLOWED. YOU WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY. - March 11, 2023 - 17:53