Best Friends Going Wild!
/r/lesbians: Lesbians: NSFW Photos and Gifs - A reddit community for NSFW girl on girl action. Submit lesbian photos, videos, or gifs. - March 15, 2019 - 13:36
/r/AdultNeeds: Anything that adults might need - This community is for adults, who need various things such as NSFW images, gifs, videos, parenting, - March 13, 2019 - 01:28
/r/FunWithFriends: Friends Having Fun!!! - This sub is for images/gifs/videos of friends having NSFW fun watching/participating. It's for TRUE - March 12, 2019 - 16:55
/r/JustFriendsHavingFun: JustFriendsHavingFun - This sub was created as an alternative to /r/funwithfriends because of lack of moderation This sub i - March 12, 2019 - 16:50