Just got verified! How is this for a first post?
/r/wifesharing: Wife Sharing and Hotwife Pictures and Videos (NSFW) - Links to original NSFW pictures and videos of couples sharing their sexy and intimate moments. - January 9, 2020 - 14:09
Does this sub like videos too, or just photos?
/r/TheEroticSalon: TheEroticSalon - The Erotic Salon is a community of VERIFIED POSTERS comprised of self-posting female exhibitionists - December 20, 2019 - 15:12
Spreading wide for you
/r/pussy: The happiest place on Earth! - ({}) /r/Pussy is a softcore image subreddit. It is not about cats. Synonyms: axe wound, bearded clam - November 28, 2019 - 15:58
Just another whore spreading for you all
/r/freeuse: freeuse - worlds where women are willing - Hello and welcome to /r/freeuse! This is a place to create, share, and discuss works from the little - November 26, 2019 - 23:38